• Helgekurs med Linda Thomson

    Fra våre danske kolleger:

    Det er lykkedes for os at få den tidligere præsident for det amerikanske selskab for klinisk hypnose Linda Thomson fra USA til at komme til Danmark. Derfor er det en glæde at kunne tilbyde jer denne enestående chance for at lære nye og værdifulde færdigheder til jeres hypnotiske arbejde. Linda er oprindelig uddannet sygeplejerske og har mere end 30 års erfaring i relationsarbejde. Linda er foregangskvinde på sit område og en mester i at benytte ”mind-body” – tilgang i sit arbejde. Dagene vil bestå af foredrag, videoer og praktiske øvelser. Linda har stor erfaring i at styrke børns selvværd og dermed handlekraft til at skabe de forandringer, de ønsker. Hun faciliterer til selvhjælp indenfor fysiske, følelsesmæssige og adfærdsmæssige områder. Linda er forfatter til en række bøger om hypnose.

    Besøg Linda Thomsons hjemmeside her: http://www.hypnosisforhealthandhealing.net/

    Prisen for kursus er kr. 3.200 (danske) ved tilmelding inden 1.6.24. Ved tilmelding indtil 1.8.24 er prisen kr. 3.800. Det er muligt at tilkøbe aftensmad lørdag kr. 345 samt overnatning fra lørdag til søndag kr. 750.

    Tilmelding til DSKH v. formand Per Nilsson, tlf 40110644, per.nilsson@youmail.dk

    Herunder ses programmet.

    Saturday, August 31, 2004

    9.00 – 10.00 Breakfast.

    10.00 – 12.00 The Power of Breath and the Power of Words.

    Life begins and ends with a breath. Breathing is the first physiologic function to change with emotion as our breath reacts to every internal and external stimulus. Breath constitutes the privotal mind-body connection as it both influences and is influenced by mind and body. Breathing is not optional. Our patients are breathing anyway, therefore breath can be used to develop skills of self-regulation. The effectiveness of suggestions can be enhanced when timed with the breath. Multiple ways to teach breath-work to both children and adults will be demonstrated.

    What you say, how you say it, and when you say it has powerful implications. The participants of this workshop will learn how to use hypnotic language to promote positive expectations, allay anxiety and fears, and create a more comfortable environment for their patients. How different it is to say “I am going to put some medicine in your arm and it will make you feel a lot more comfortable.” than “This shot might help you with your pain, but it is going to hurt, sting and burn.” As clinicians we know our language is of great importance to focus the patient’s attention toward the expectancy of a positive outcome. Establishing rapport and using hypnotic language and carefully crafted suggestions can have a profound impact on the automatic nervous system.

    12.00 – 13.00 Lunch.

    13.00 – 15.00 Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms and the Use of Ideomotor Strategies to Uncover the Cause.

    The stressful events in an individual’s life may not always be expressed in words, but rather in physical symptoms. This form of “body language” may be an alternative method of communicating stress and unconsciously serve as a solution. Psychological factors are frequently the cause of functional disorders such as headaches, functional abdominal pain and tic disorders. Failure to recognize the impact of psychological factors on the symptoms may delay effective treatment and expose the patient to unnecessary medications with potentially untoward side effects as well as significant costs. Treatment strategies for somatoform symptoms are often multi-modal and quite different from problems with a physiological cause. Somatic symptoms are often a metaphoric expression of a misguided solution to a psychological problem. Using hypnotic exploratory techniques and metaphorical hypnosis can have transformative results. The 7 common causes of somatic disorders will be presented and discussed with case examples. Ideomotor signaling can be an effective means of uncovering the unconscious imprints that may contribute to the symptoms.

    15.00 – 15.30 Coffee Break.

    15.30 – 17.00 Practicing Ideomotor Signaling and Utilizing Hypnosis for Sleep Disorders.

    Taking time for experimental practice setting up ideomotor signaling with fingers and pendulums. Millions of people around the world suffer from chronical disorders of sleep and wakefulness, with the vast majority going undiagnosed and untreated. The socioeconomic consequences are huge including accidents, litigation, property destruction, hospitalization & death, and errors in judgement due to fatigue. Unlike pharmacologic treatments for sleep disorders, hypnosis is considered a risk-free and effective modality to intensify relaxation, improve the onset of sleep and enhance the quality of sleep. The five types of factors that can elicit sleep disturbances will be discussed: pharmacological, physiological, psychological, physical or psychiatric. Hypnotherapeutic techniques that can have substantial benefit for patients with difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep will be discussed.

    Sunday, September 1, 2024

    8.00 – 9.00 Breakfast.

    9.00 – 12.00 Helping Children Help Themselves.

    The developmental goals of childhood and adolescence will be presented and how failure to master those developmental tasks of childhood can have deleterious effects and result in difficulties in adulthood. Hypnosis not only gives the child a tool to better cope with or solve the problem himself, but also increases self-esteem, bolsters a sense of accomplishment and gives the child a valuable skill that he can adapt to many new situations throughout life. The workshop will include demonstrations of introducing hypnosis, the mind-body connection and the power of imagination to children and their families. Videos of pediatric inductions that can be adapted to adults will be shown with opportunity for practice. How to match hypnotic strategies to the developmental level of the child will be illustrated by using video clips. The principles and practice of integrating hypnosis into clinical encounters in child and adolescent healthcare for a variety of common pediatric habit disorders will be discussed. Strategies to help children help themselves with pain and anxiety will also be presented.

    12.00 – 13.00 Lunch.

    13.00 – 14.30 Strain in Pain Stays Mainly in the Brain.

    Pain is a world-wide problem facing both medical and behavioral healthcare clinicians. Hypnosis is an effective modality in helping people manage procedural, acute, and chronic pain. The neurophysiology of pain will be briefly reviewed, along with how to match hypnotic interventions to the patient, whether the pain is acute of chronic and specific brain regions. The presentation will include videos of the utilization of one or more of pain management techniques that will be discussed.

    14.30 – 15.00 Coffee Break.

    15.00 – 16.00 Humor, Hypnosis and Kids.

    The preventive and therapeutic values of laughter and humor will be introduced along with strategies and techniques to use humor in hypnosis to strengthen the therapeutic relationship both with children and adult patients/clients. Humor therapy promotes spontaneous therapeutic patient laughter. Laughter has positive, quantifiable effects on certain aspects of health. Scientific research has shown that laughter may have both preventive and therapeutic value both physiologically and psychologically. This workshop will include a discussion of the theories of the function of humor and the benefits of laughter. The beneficence of mirth in our own self-care will also be addressed. Participatory laughter will be encouraged.